How we bring more buyers

The best way to secure the highest price for your property is to get more buyers to view it. This creates more competition, and gives you more power during negotiation.

Here's how we reach more of every kind of buyer

Local buyers

There’s no big secret here, our ability to bring more local buyers to your listing is the result of who we know, and who we meet.

We know more Hamilton locals because we’ve been helping them buy and sell homes here since 1969. Our integrity and reliability has earned their trust, so naturally they contact us first for advice on their next move. We meet more local buyers as a result of having more listings. Not to oversimplify things, but more listings means more open homes, more online enquiries, and more conversations with people searching for a new home.

Of course the other reason we meet more locals is through our presence in the community. Our numerous signs and extensive advertising are a quick indicator of Lodge’s marketplace reach. And outside of real estate, our support and sponsorship of schools, clubs and community groups has our sales team deeply connected with the people in which they serve. 

However it happens, as soon as somebody touches base with any Lodge salesperson, your property will be on their radar. That’s why we believe Lodge has Hamilton’s most comprehensive access to active local buyers.

Regional buyers

Another common source of Hamilton home buyers are people looking to move from the regions neighbouring the Waikato. And Lodge are well connected with these thanks to our partnership with Barfoot & Thompson and Cambridge Real Estate.

Barfoot & Thompson are Auckland market leaders. Typically accounting for 40% of all sales in the city, they touch base with plenty of Aucklanders heading south of the Bombays. They also have a strong presence in Northland and the Bay of Plenty. 

 Cambridge Real Estate are Cambridge market leaders with a similar market share. Our close affiliation with them provides a frequent source of buyers looking to move into Hamilton from its fringe towns and lifestyle blocks.

National buyers

Our supply of buyers from across the country comes from our affiliation with the NZ Realtors Network. A collective of New Zealand’s best independent real estate agencies, representing 2,950 salespeople from 200 offices stretching from Northland to Invercargill.

The group sells 1 in 5 properties in New Zealand, two per hour on average. Any sellers with an interest in migrating to Hamilton will be promptly referred to us by our fellow members.

Global buyers

Lodge are a member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. A global cooperative that connects 138,000 sales associates, across 550 companies, working in over 70 countries. Giving your property exposure on a global scale like nobody else can.

We also promote your listing on China’s leading New Zealand Real Estate portal.

Investor buyers

With a database of more than 2000 landlords, Lodge City Rentals is the city’s largest residential property management company. Our residential sales team at Lodge capitalise on the close association with the rental side of the business, with excellent access to the city’s best developers and investors.

We have dozens of salespeople who specialise in investment sales, meaning many ‘movers and shakers’ in real estate are likely to be included in the buyer mix for your property. 

Passive buyers

An often overlooked source, but research shows up to 30% of properties are bought by passive buyers who aren’t actually looking to move, but could be tempted by the right property.

 You can’t find these buyers via regular property websites, as they won’t be looking there. You need them to stumble across your listing during their daily online activities. This is where Lodge excels at finding passive buyers compared to other agencies.

The high volume of traffic to our website allows us to more effectively target our Google advertising, which appears on thousands of NZ’s most popular websites.  And with 11,000+ followers on Facebook, we have double our nearest local competitor. Giving you more exposure on a platform that is checked daily by millions of Kiwis everyday.